English Speaking Barbecue Update

Короткая ссылка: 
https://veloby.net/node/10976 - [node 10976]
Тип покатушки: 
Обычная покатушка
г Минск
Дата поездки и время сбора: 
суббота, 20.июн.2015 - 11:00
Планируемое расстояние: 
Темп поездки: 
Типы дорог: 
асфальт за городом
Типы дорог: 
асфальт по городу
Типы дорог: 
лесная дорожка

Dear Ladies and Dear Gentlemen,
Let me invite you to the English Speaking Barbecue!
We are going on the 20th of June to the Minsk Sea, cook "shashlik" and relax on shore.
Meeting point is SC GALILEO (near main railway station)
11 am is meet time 
At 11.15 we go to the shop for buying everything for BBQ.
Aftre shopping we take electric train and go till staion "Minsk Sea"
On shore of minsk sea we will find nice arbor for our company.
I will bring braizer and grille. But they are not so big. So, if you have a grille or skewers, lighter fluid, charcoal, please take it.
Also you need a bag pack with you.We will distribute the food to our bags after shopping.
We can play frisbee, some ball or board games, badminton. If somebody have one of that, please take it.
You can be with the bike if you want. But main group go by walk

We are planning to be in Minsk at about 5 p.m. because some people are planning to go to Jazz Evenning




email: and-rey-2309@mail.ru


Почему в шапке место сбора - Стела, а в тексте - Галилео? Люди могут запутаться Smile

AndreyDro's picture


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AndreyDro: Спасибо! Исправил #
9 лет 38 нд назад,
d-rovar: Почему в шапке место сбора - Стела, а в тексте - Галилео? Люди могут запутаться #
9 лет 38 нд назад,

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