English Speaking Ride!

Короткая ссылка: 
https://veloby.net/node/4775 - [node 4775]
г. Минск
Дата поездки и время сбора: 
пятница, 24.авг.2012 - 19:00
Планируемое расстояние: 
Темп поездки: 
Типы дорог: 
асфальт за городом
Типы дорог: 
асфальт по городу
Типы дорог: 
Типы дорог: 
Типы дорог: 
лесная дорожка

Hello English speaking cyclist!

We are planning to ride to Minsk Sea and back as we did some rides ago, if you have suggestion of other routes feel free to tell.

So. Start point is The Palace of Sport not far from Nemiga Underground station. At start point we will wait for 10 minutes and then go to Minsk Sea by following route : http://www.gpsies.com/map.do?fil...

There will be cyclists from Great Britan and Belgium. :) 

We are not going to visit the shop, so, take some drink with you.

Don’t forget that it is English Speaking Ride and you can speak only English. Smile

Information about previous English Speaking  Rides here:  http://veloby.net/category/tegi/...


Hi, Aleksei! What time are you going back?


Because I need to give my rent car back untill 22.00 friday

amigo's picture


We wil be back at 10PM.



diiceas's picture


Unfortunately, I won't able to participate. Is there any way to postpone the event for week-end? Saturday would be great.

amigo's picture


no, it is not possible to postpone the event. It is possible to make next ride on week-end, but i am busy on week-end.

amigo's picture


another interesting guest is going to come. information about him you can find here https://www.facebook.com/pages/C... .

m.г.'s picture


I've been waiting for this speaking ride!!!!

I'm not sure whether I will manage to come, but I will try to do my best to participate!!!

kerekpar's picture


I'm not sure about my own participation as yet - I might take part in something longer, something for the entire weekend - anyway the idea is cool.
However, if I do join, are we going to have beer, coffee or something else - while watching the sunset across the lake?

amigo's picture


we will have rest on lake, but i hope it will be before sunset . and we will have to be back before 10PM. so we don't have a lot of time.


hi, I want to join, but it is too long way for me, because of I am from Uruchie Sad

amigo's picture


you can try to catch up us somewhere on Drozdy.


I live another direction of Minsk. I can only go on meeting and turn home Smile


of center of Minsk Smile


Thank you a lot, Aleksei, for the great ride! It has been a pleasure!!!

amigo's picture


it was great because of people came, not because of me. Smile

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Свежие комментарии

amigo: it was great because of people came, not because of me. #
12 лет 28 нд назад,
alekseigurevskii: Thank you a lot, Aleksei, for the great ride! It has been a pleasure!!! #
12 лет 28 нд назад,
Nahalka: of center of Minsk #
12 лет 28 нд назад,
Nahalka: I live another direction of Minsk. I can only go on meeting and turn home #
12 лет 28 нд назад,
amigo: you can try to catch up us somewhere on Drozdy. #
12 лет 28 нд назад,
Nahalka: hi, I want to join, but it is too long way for me, because of I am from Uruchie #
12 лет 28 нд назад,
amigo: we will have rest on lake, but i hope it will be before sunset . and we will have to be back before... #
12 лет 29 нд назад,
kerekpar: I'm not sure about my own participation as yet - I might take part in something longer, something... #
12 лет 29 нд назад,
m.г.: I've been waiting for this speaking ride!!!! I'm not sure whether I will manage to come, but I will... #
12 лет 29 нд назад,
amigo: another interesting guest is going to come. information about him you can find here https://www.... #
12 лет 29 нд назад,

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