English Speaking Picnic and Ride

Короткая ссылка: 
https://veloby.net/node/4470 - [node 4470]
Дата поездки и время сбора: 
вторник, 03.июл.2012 - 12:00
Место сбора: 
Планируемое расстояние: 
Темп поездки: 
Типы дорог: 
асфальт за городом
Типы дорог: 
асфальт по городу
Типы дорог: 
Типы дорог: 
полевая дорожка

Hi guys!

For those of you who hasn't made any plans yet for this beautiful Tuesday day or just not sure, here is your chance! 

Come join us for an English Speaking Picnic on Znyanka and then an English Ride to Vyacha. It is going to be a great picnic with delicious food (please bring something for everyone to share) a fire (we will try), fun games (friesbee, badminton, etc), swimming, sunbathing and of course a great bunch of people and loads of English))))!!!!!

Our plan is to meet at 12.00 at the bus stop Gamarnika (ул. Гамарника- д/с Зеленый Лг-3 кольцо тр.28, 34) and then go to find a spot on Znyanka for a picnic. We plan to stay there till 16.00-17.00 and then ride to Vyacha while of course continuing speaking English!!!!

Please be free to join for the whole day or just for a part, on foot (only for a picnic then Smile ) or by bike.  We are going to have friends from England, USA, China and for sure Belarus Smile

It is going to be fun!!!!


The route to Vyacha http://gpsies.com/map.do?fileId=...


See you there!!


Thanks to everyone for a great company, interesting conversations and delicious food! The ride was amazing - special thank you to John (jlr) and Lesha (Solaris) for a great route! Thanks again and hope to see you soon!!!

amigo's picture


Olya, congratulations with début in organizing. Smile

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Свежие комментарии

amigo: Olya, congratulations with début in organizing. #
12 лет 36 нд назад,
lets-go: Thanks to everyone for a great company, interesting conversations and delicious food! The ride was... #
12 лет 36 нд назад,

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