English Speaking Ride 9

Короткая ссылка: 
https://veloby.net/node/4399 - [node 4399]
Дата поездки и время сбора: 
среда, 20.июн.2012 - 19:00
Планируемое расстояние: 
Темп поездки: 
Типы дорог: 
асфальт за городом
Типы дорог: 
асфальт по городу
Типы дорог: 
Типы дорог: 
Типы дорог: 
полевая дорожка
Типы дорог: 
лесная дорожка
Типы дорог: 


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am glad to invite all of you to the next English Speaking Ride.

Meeting time 19.00 depart time 19.10. Don’t be late because who is not in time that is late. Smile

We are planning to go to Minskoe sea by following route: http://www.gpsies.com/map.do?fil...

Everybody can join us, but everybody can speak only English Smile

Information about previous rides you can find here: http://veloby.net/category/tegi/...


Thanks Alexei for another fun ride.
It's great to see the English Speaking Rides become popular with foreign visitors to Minsk and with natives as well.

PS: At the end of yesterday's trip Ivan Xu devised a useful discipline in cycling: Pump and Sprint.

amigo's picture


You are welcome Smile

Ivan was good in the new sport Smile

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Свежие комментарии

amigo: You are welcome Ivan was good in the new sport #
12 лет 38 нд назад,
jlr: Thanks Alexei for another fun ride. It's great to see the English Speaking Rides become popular... #
12 лет 38 нд назад,

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