English Speaking Ride 10

Короткая ссылка: 
https://veloby.net/node/4411 - [node 4411]
Дата поездки и время сбора: 
воскресенье, 24.июн.2012 - 10:10
Место сбора: 
Планируемое расстояние: 
Темп поездки: 
Типы дорог: 
асфальт за городом
Типы дорог: 
асфальт по городу
Типы дорог: 
Типы дорог: 
Типы дорог: 
полевая дорожка

Hey Riders!

It is second English Speaking  Ride this week! But I don’t think that somebody can be bored by English riding because we have interesting people every ride. :) 

Start point will be on crossing streets Suhaya and Korolya  ( http://www.openstreetmap.org/?ml... )  not far from bike rental point (Сухая 23). 

Meeting time is 10.10 AM, depart time is 10.20. If you are late you can try to catch us up.

Planned route is standard, but I think it will be interesting for our guests from England: velobahn – hydroelectric station – residence of the President – Novinki – Tsnyanskoe reservoir – Karastoyanovoy – Nemiga (http://www.gpsies.com/map.do?fil... )

We are not planning to visit any shop for buying drinks and food, so take some provision for celebration of our 10th ride on the beach of reservoir. Smile

Don’t forget that it is English Speaking Ride and you can speak only English. :) 

Information about previous 9 rides here: http://veloby.net/category/tegi/...


amigo's picture


it seems there will be a lot of people in spite of early start time. Smile

amigo's picture


Thank you all participants! Company was great! Smile

amigo's picture

jubilee ride was remarkable

Guys who took pictures send please to lyooosha@rambler.ru

amigo's picture


ESR 10

Thank you, amigo, for the nice ride!

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Свежие комментарии

alekseigurevskii: Thank you, amigo, for the nice ride! #
12 лет 36 нд назад,
amigo: #
12 лет 37 нд назад,
amigo: Guys who took pictures send please to lyooosha@rambler.ru #
12 лет 37 нд назад,
amigo: Thank you all participants! Company was great! #
12 лет 37 нд назад,
amigo: it seems there will be a lot of people in spite of early start time. #
12 лет 37 нд назад,

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