English Speaking Ride 6

Короткая ссылка: 
https://veloby.net/node/4283 - [node 4283]
Дата поездки и время сбора: 
среда, 30.май.2012 - 19:00
Планируемое расстояние: 
Темп поездки: 
Типы дорог: 
асфальт по городу
Типы дорог: 
Типы дорог: 
полевая дорожка
Типы дорог: 
лесная дорожка
Типы дорог: 


Hello everybody!

We decided to kill two birds with one stone – to make English Speaking Ride more attractive for enthusiastic riders and for people who haven’t ride for years at the same time. Smile
That is why we are planning the ride at week day when experienced rides don’t have other more important rides, and we choose quite easy route that will not be difficult even for people who have not ridden since childhood.
So the route is the same as was at the first ESR (Покатушка - Pure English Speaking Ride - Чисто Англоязычная Покатушка): The Palace of Sport, Velobahn, Drozdy, Tsnynka, rest and back.

John will lead us and he “will be our "language referee" as a native speaker. He is always open for any language questions, interesting phrases, discussions and so on”.

There are two rules: 1. We can speak only English, 2. Nobody can be late more than 15 minutes, depart time is 19.15.

Dutch, Iranian and Turkish guys are going to join us. :) 


Wow, i'd love to join you, but I won't be able to make it on time (( Maybe I can try to catch up with a little later on the way?

amigo's picture


Theoretically it is possible, but i think it will be very difficult for you to find our way. if you want you can phone me and ask where we are. +375 29 794 09 10


Well, yea, it might be difficult for me. Anyway, I will call you when I am free, if it's not very late then..

amigo's picture


okay. hope to see you)


Got hopelessly stuck at work Sad

akuviktar's picture


it's a pity! i missed it again!

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Свежие комментарии

mylalina: Got hopelessly stuck at work #
12 лет 1 неделя назад,
akuviktar: it's a pity! i missed it again! #
12 лет 1 неделя назад,
amigo: okay. hope to see you) #
12 лет 1 неделя назад,
mylalina: Well, yea, it might be difficult for me. Anyway, I will call you when I am free, if it's not very... #
12 лет 1 неделя назад,
amigo: Theoretically it is possible, but i think it will be very difficult for you to find our way. if you... #
12 лет 1 неделя назад,
mylalina: Wow, i'd love to join you, but I won't be able to make it on time (( Maybe I can try to catch up... #
12 лет 1 неделя назад,

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